Anouk Daae is a soul reincarnated throughout history.
In one life, she found herself as a motherless French girl, circa the 1600s who fell in love with a cursed monster. Ill-fated though their love was ultimately, it was strong enough to provoke something hidden from most story books. Yes, Adam was eventually freed from his curse, along with his subjects, but time and death could only be put off for so long. While he was captive in his beastly form, his castle lay frozen and unaffected by age. Once he gained Belle's affection in return for his own, the years caught up to him. While they were only allotted a few years together, their love grew stronger. Strong enough, Belle vowed, that she would be able to find him again in the next life. After his passing, Belle tended to the castle, caring for their only child who eventually grew up and left for the northern countries of Europe. Of old age, she too passed away, leaving behind a son and four grandchildren.
Centuries passed, until again a young girl of brown eyes and hair, with skin like porcelain was born to Belle's line, by the name of Christine. She too was motherless and in time orphaned altogether. Being that her father had left her with little more than a love of music and a legacy of talent, she was given shelter to an old opera house in Paris.
Upon reaching age fourteen, she began seeing visions of a spirit, one whom she believed was sent by her father to elevate her from the life of a mere chorus girl. This spirit, as she calls The Angel of Music, over time became her teacher and confidante. In the year 1870, when she is sixteen, she is given the chance to show her company all she has learned. Christine became a sensation, however in time she became consumed with and by her teacher. Not a ghost, but a man named Erik, scarred at birth who grew into manhood in the sewars beneath the city. Driven insane by his need to be loved, to own the nubile girl he felt he had created, Erik killed almost everyone who attempted to catch Christine's eye. Meanwhile, Christine found herself feeling the victim of a curse - one where everyone she holds close dies from mysterious attacks of an opera ghost, and she herself is constantly feeling temptation pulling her into a strange dark world of heathenism. In this life Christine ran from the strength of a love she had no way of understanding, constantly her dreams turned to Erik's masked face turning scaled and fanged. Yet, instead of fearing him, seeing him as such a monstrosity made her feelings stronger, as though she'd known him for a lifetime. Convinced that she was being tempted by some sort of devil, Christine ran away with Raoul de Chagny, married, had three children, and eventually died of heart disease in the the winter of 1917. The curse upon her soul, however, brought on by Belle's bitter ferocity, would not be assuaged.
Over decades of Belle being reborn through her descendants, always dreaming the same frightening things, always driven into the light out of fear, always two souls shoved into a body meant to house one. Eventually Anouk was born in the red brick city of Toulousse, France. Unlike before, Anouk's mother did not die in child birth.
This time, her mother sought out strength by making a horrific offering to the spirit world. In exchange for her unborn daughter, Anouk's mother would gain power to bend the world to her will. The spirit spared her life, driving her mad, however furious when it discovered the willful and cursed spirit that had already lay claim to the fetus that would grow to become Anouk Daae.
Once more, the soul of Belle hides beneath the surface of a pair of dark eyes, searching the world for Prince Adam, ever attracted to and fearing the darkness of the world around her. This time, a dark force lurks beyond every corner, waiting for a vulnerable moment to attack.
The Spirit &The Devil Within
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